Top 8 Predictions for Cannabis 2021: Health & Wellness drives industry.

One thing that the Coronavirus pandemic has sharply put in focus for many of us is our health. Now every cough or sniffle, you question whether or not you have been hit by COVID-19 or if it is just another cold. Either way, you are armed with your thermometer, your vitamin C, chicken soup and keeping your family members at bay. You are taking every precaution in ways that you would have not normally taken before and you may also be looking at alternatives to traditional meds, like cannabis.

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Top 8 Predictions for Cannabis 2021: Year of Big Falls & Even Bigger Opportunities

For many 2020 has been the year of giant tidal shifts, uncertainty and complete unpredictability. This was especially evident in the Cannabis space where the challenges of constantly shifting regulatory issues piled on top of the vape crisis just to be outshined by the Coronavirus pandemic related shutdowns and retail limitations, a business problem only closely supercharged by political shifts. Nothing was predictable; as the country began to shut down, and everyone buckled down, just to see the biggest spike in sales in March of 2020 as the consumers prepared for the long haul. Then as the industry prepared for the 4/20 retail rush, a big ooops – no expected spike or the revenues to show for it. Everything was upside down and all this had an obvious negative impact business, investment activities, growth and expansion.

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The Effect of Cannabis on Your Vision

If you ask frequent users of Cannabis about the way they feel after using marijuana, most of them will express how much this plant represents a source of wellbeing and comfort to them. And yet, we all know that the effect of cannabis on the human body is much more complex than that. In this post, we explore the science and research behind the effects of cannabis on human vision. 
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