The value of Low-Dose Cannabis

When it comes to most things, many humans are conditioned to think that if a little is good, then more must be great. While in some cases that may be true, there are cases where that certainly isn’t the case. When many cannabis cultivators tried breeding high-THC strains since the early 1980s in search of that ultimate Cheech and Chong-inspired high, they ultimately bred plants that had THC percentages as high as 30% while breeding out a cannabinoid that we have only just recently come to see for its value: CBD.

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The Effect of Cannabis on Your Vision

If you ask frequent users of Cannabis about the way they feel after using marijuana, most of them will express how much this plant represents a source of wellbeing and comfort to them. And yet, we all know that the effect of cannabis on the human body is much more complex than that. In this post, we explore the science and research behind the effects of cannabis on human vision. 
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Hottest sectors within cannabis technology

While “cannabis entrepreneur” was interpreted as “drug dealer” just 10 years ago, the influx of credible companies and professionals into this industry is quickly putting an end to that stigma. From Silicon Valley to New York City, technology companies in particular play a huge role in legitimizing this industry to the point of going mainstream. Here are some of the hottest sectors in cannabis:

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