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Lunar New Year 2025


Unraveling the Science of Vaping

Vapology: Unraveling Vaping Aerosols!

Discover the fascinating world of Vapology – explore vaping aerosols’ properties, behavior, and secrets. Elevate your vape game with cutting-edge insights from thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and chemistry.

Elevating your vaping experience every day!

Our Research Partners

It’s not vape, it’s actually aerosol

An aerosol is defined as a suspension system of solid or liquid particles in a gas. An aerosol includes both the particles and the suspending gas, which is usually air.

“Welcome to the cutting-edge world of Vapology, where science transforms the future of vaping. ”

As pioneers in this field, we share the latest innovations with you.

Vapology leverages thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and chemistry to study vaping aerosols’ properties and behaviors. Our focus on cannabis research enhances safety and efficacy.

We unravel the complexities of aerosols, optimizing compound delivery while minimizing harmful byproducts.

Join us on this journey of discovery for an improved vaping experience.

The Cannabis
Vape Consumption

2,000+ consumers’ insights guide standardized testing protocols for vape devices. Discover consumption patterns and puffing recommendations for cannabis vape testing.

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Unveiling Insights

The Methodology behind Our Cannabis Vaping Research


Observation / Question

In our cannabis vaping research, we start by keenly observing and formulating essential questions related to the topic at hand. These observations and inquiries serve as the foundation for our entire research process.



Based on our observations and research topic area, we construct informed hypotheses that outline the expected outcomes of our experiments. These hypotheses serve as educated predictions and guide our testing endeavors.


Analyze Data

Once the experiments are completed, we analyze the data collected, employing statistical methods and advanced tools to derive meaningful insights. This data analysis phase helps us draw conclusions based on the evidence presented.


Research Topic Area

With a clear understanding of the subject matter, we carefully define the research topic area to ensure focus and relevance. This step helps us to narrow down our investigation and maintain coherence throughout the study.


Test & Experiment

To gather empirical evidence and validate our hypotheses, we conduct meticulously designed experiments. Our research team follows rigorous protocols to ensure accuracy and consistency in the results obtained.


Report Conclusions

Finally, we present our findings and conclusions in comprehensive reports. These reports are crafted to communicate our research outcomes effectively and provide valuable information to the cannabis vaping community and stakeholders.

Observation / Question

In our cannabis vaping research, we start by keenly observing and formulating essential questions related to the topic at hand. These observations and inquiries serve as the foundation for our entire research process.

Research Topic Area

With a clear understanding of the subject matter, we carefully define the research topic area to ensure focus and relevance. This step helps us to narrow down our investigation and maintain coherence throughout the study.


Based on our observations and research topic area, we construct informed hypotheses that outline the expected outcomes of our experiments. These hypotheses serve as educated predictions and guide our testing endeavors.

Test & Experiment

To gather empirical evidence and validate our hypotheses, we conduct meticulously designed experiments. Our research team follows rigorous protocols to ensure accuracy and consistency in the results obtained.

Analyze Data

Once the experiments are completed, we analyze the data collected, employing statistical methods and advanced tools to derive meaningful insights. This data analysis phase helps us draw conclusions based on the evidence presented.

Report Conclusions

Finally, we present our findings and conclusions in comprehensive reports. These reports are crafted to communicate our research outcomes effectively and provide valuable information to the cannabis vaping community and stakeholders.

Fostering knowledge sharing and progress in the field of cannabis vaping

Regulatory affairs

Synergizing state-of-the-art vapology research with strategic lobbying to revolutionize the vaping and cannabis industries.

Join us in shaping a safer, better-regulated, and more effective future for vaping.

Unveiling Insights

Making meaningful contribution to policy on an international level

Making meaningful contribution to policy on an international level

At The Blinc Group, we're not just leading the charge in vapology research – we're leveraging that research to drive impactful changes in policy making and regulatory affairs. Our pioneering science is helping to shape the future of vaping and cannabis regulation, both at the national and international levels.

Our in-depth exploration of vaping science has positioned us at the forefront of the industry, enabling us to lead and/or contribute to critical committees like ISO TC126/SC3, CEN TC437, and ASTM D37. These roles not only allow us to guide international vaping standards but also equip us with vital insights that feed directly into our lobbying efforts.

Unveiling Insights

Empowering Cannabis Regulation with Evidence-Based Guidance

Empowering Cannabis Regulation with Evidence-Based Guidance

Policy making in the vaping and cannabis industries is evolving rapidly, and our work is playing a pivotal role in that transformation. From the USA to France, China, Canada, and states like Colorado, California, Massachusetts, New York, Louisiana, and New Jersey, our influence in regulatory affairs is widespread and profound.

The Blinc Group's expertise in vapology and our ongoing research efforts are not only advancing our understanding of vaping but also aiding in the development of safer and more effective products. By focusing on the composition, behavior, and emissions of vaping aerosols, we're able to provide evidence-based recommendations that inform and shape cannabis regulation.

Unveiling Insights

Our commitment to fostering a stronger cannabis industry

Our commitment to fostering a stronger cannabis industry

We believe that the marriage of science and policy is key to the responsible growth of the vaping industry. That’s why we’re committed to applying our vapology research to influence regulation, ensuring a safer, better-regulated, and more effective future for vaping.

“Join us here as we journey towards a safer, healthier, and more scientifically informed future for cannabis vaping.”

Emissions Testing

Advancing Vaping Safety: Pioneering Emissions Testing in the Cannabis Industry

Unveiling Insights

Consumer Safety, Our Priority

Consumer Safety, Our Priority

In our quest to optimize vaping safety and health, The Blinc Group leads the charge in pioneering comprehensive vapology research. As the cannabis industry matures, our innovative approach becomes increasingly crucial, focusing on emissions testing to analyze aerosol and vapor produced by cannabis vaping devices.

Unveiling Insights

Empowering Safety through Emissions Testing

Empowering Safety through Emissions Testing

Central to our work is emissions testing, enabling a thorough examination of vapor composition. This meticulous analysis identifies cannabinoids (including THC and CBD), terpenes, and potential contaminants like residual solvents or pesticides. The comprehensive profiling empowers us to ensure vaping product safety and quality, informing health considerations and regulatory compliance.

Unveiling Insights

Reducing Health Risks: Advancing Vaping Safety

Reducing Health Risks: Advancing Vaping Safety

Our in-depth emissions testing unveils potential risks related to thermal degradation of compounds due to high vaping temperatures. This essential data forms a vital part of our commitment to vaping safety, significantly reducing health risks for consumers. The Blinc Group dedicates itself to integrate vapology research into science-based policy-making, fostering a cannabis vaping landscape prioritizing safety and transparency, grounded in scientific rigor.

“ Join us here as we journey towards a safer, healthier, and more scientifically informed future for cannabis vaping.”


Revolutionizing Vapology: The Power of Rheology Unleashed to Elevate Your Vaping Experience

Unveiling Insights

Vapology Meets Rheology: Unraveling the Science Behind Vaping

Vapology Meets Rheology: Unraveling the Science Behind Vaping

In this scientific exploration, we delve into the fascinating intersection between vapology and rheology, revealing the crucial role of liquid flow properties in the vaping experience. Through rigorous research, we investigate how rheology, the study of matter deformation and flow, influences the complex process of vaping aerosol formation.

Understanding the rheological behavior of vaping substances is vital to optimizing each puff's quality, consistency, and safety. Our in-depth analysis of the liquid-to-aerosol phase transition provides valuable insights into how heating vaping substances triggers transformations that directly affect the vaping experience.

Join us on this scientific journey as we shine a light on the intricate relationship between vapology and rheology, deepening our understanding of vaping aerosol generation and elevating the vaping industry to new levels of safety and innovation.

Unveiling Insights

Designing for Precision: Leveraging Rheology in Vaping Devices

Designing for Precision: Leveraging Rheology in Vaping Devices

In this comprehensive study, we explore the fundamental principles of rheology and its pivotal role in designing cutting-edge vaping devices. Rheology is the key to understanding how cannabis extracts deform and flow within the device, ensuring optimal movement and interaction with heating elements.

Our innovative approach, grounded in scientific rigor, leverages rheological principles to create vaping devices that offer users a seamless and consistent experience. By optimizing transport mechanisms and extract heating, we achieve reliable functionality and elevate the performance of vaping devices to meet the highest standards.

Experience the fusion of science and engineering as we demonstrate the potential of rheology in designing precision vaping devices that deliver an unparalleled user experience.

Unveiling Insights

Sensory Experience Enhanced: Rheology's Impact on Vaping Substances

Sensory Experience Enhanced: Rheology's Impact on Vaping Substances

This scientific exploration unveils the critical role of rheology in shaping the sensory experience of vaping. Dive into the intricate world of viscosity and flow characteristics as we investigate how rheological properties impact the taste, 'mouthfeel,' and overall user experience of vaping substances.

Understanding the rheology of vaping substances empowers us to formulate products that not only meet safety and quality standards but also cater to users' sensory preferences. By applying scientific insights into vaping substance formulation, we advance the art and science of vaping, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of vaping science.

Join us on this journey as we integrate rheology into vapology research, driving the vaping industry towards a safer, more innovative, and sensorially enriching future.

“ Join us as we continue to bring you insights from the cutting edge of device design and formulation.”


Sign up below for first dibbs on research results, white papers and pivotal findings that shape the future of cannabis vaping.
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Unveiling Insights for a Safer Cannabis Industry

Since 2017, we’ve been on a mission to ensure the healthy and safe growth of the cannabis industry. Sharing our vast knowledge in vaping, including material science, emissions, and regulatory compliance, has been at the heart of our journey.

Through continuous sharing of our latest findings, we aim to drive growth and acceptance while prioritizing total consumer satisfaction and safety. As we continue our pioneering work, we invite you to explore our library, a testament to our dedication in advancing the cannabis vaping landscape.

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Founder & CXSO (Chief Experience & Science Officer)

Arnaud is a founder and Chief Experience and Science Officer (CXSO) of The Blinc Group. He is a proven thought leader in the science, technology, and supply chain of vaping products.

Arnaud currently serves as Chairman of the ISO (International) Standards Committee TC126/SC3 on Vaping Products & Chairman of the CEN (European) Standards Committee TC437 on Vapor Products. He is also a member of the informal Marijuana Science and Policy Work Group managed by the Colorado Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). His assistance and knowledge of the vaping space have been requested by multiple regulatory bodies across North America, Europe, and Asia.

He is also the former President of FIVAPE, the French vaping trade federation and now serves as the organization’s Secretary-General for International Relations.

Bilingual in French and English (dual citizenship), fluent in Spanish, Arnaud has worked in France, China, UAE, Tunisia, Spain, UK and the USA. He frequently serves as a keynote speaker at international vaping and cannabis conferences across the globe. Arnaud holds an Executive MBA & a Masters of Engineering Degree.