What am I vaping on: the dreaded game of unmarked carts

Let me run a scenario by you; you walk into a local supermarket drinks aisle and find shelves full of bottles marked “juice”. You resonate with the “JUICE” branding on one of them, grab a few bottles to try and all of them taste different despite looking virtually identical. Would you ever play this “Russian roulette” again? Probably not, and even if you did find the perfect taste profile for your taste buds, no shot you know what flavor it actually is or how to find it on your next trip to the supermarket. 

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Top Cannabis Vape Distributors

There is no denying that vaping is a hot trend in cannabis consumption. There are a multitude of health benefits of vaping over traditional smoking, pipes, and bongs shifting many cannabis users over to this delivery method. Many retail locations are looking for top and new players in the cannabis vape scene. Partnering with a distributor is the key to maximizing this opportunity.

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