Top Cannabis Vape Distributors

There is no denying that vaping is a hot trend in cannabis consumption. There are a multitude of health benefits of vaping over traditional smoking, pipes, and bongs shifting many cannabis users over to this delivery method. Many retail locations are looking for top and new players in the cannabis vape scene. Partnering with a distributor is the key to maximizing this opportunity.

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Blockchain in Cannabis

Marijuana is currently classified as a schedule I substance, the same class of heroin making the legal sale of cannabis a federal crime. This loophole creates a system where large commerce stakeholders like banks and credit card companies refuse to collaborate with the cannabis industry. Without conventional partners, many business owners are sidelined and alternatively work in a nearly all cash business. The lack of security and transparency is problematic for regulators and those in the industry. Blockchain technologies, however, create a more open and reliable means of trade.

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Top 5 Trends in Cannabis Technology

With cannabis tech startups of all nature sprouting up in the United States, the need to stay on top of the latest IT trends regardless of market niche becomes all the more imperative. A “tech trend” can be defined as one with the potential to significantly impact the way different industries operate in the next three years. Factors that indicate this impact include the high potential of disruption to your business and its end users, the need for major investment, and of course the risk of being late to adopt. Listed below are 5 tech trends that we think cannabis tech companies cannot ignore in their strategic planning process in 2018:

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